
Published by Author

Erin Meikle

Erin Meikle

Student, Duquesne University

Erin Meikle is a doctoral student in Theology at Duquesne University. She previously earned a B.S. in Mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University, a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Pittsburgh, a Ph.D. in Education—mathematics education specialization—from the University of Delaware, and a Master of Arts in Theology from Duquesne University. Erin's current research includes exploring topics in Mariology and John Henry Newman's educational theory and practice.

A Model for Encountering Others in the Correspondence of Newman and Froude
A Model for Encountering Others in the Correspondence of Newman and Froude

Before becoming Catholic in 1845, Newman had ascribed to the Evangelical party and then later the High Church party of Anglicanism. It was through certain friendships penetrating his heart so deeply that he became attracted to the truths of the Catholic faith. When Pope Leo XIII made Newman a cardinal in 1879, Newman chose cor ad cor loquitur (Heart speaks unto heart) as his motto. His friends surely spoke to his heart, and his heart spoke to theirs.

Erin Meikle
Erin Meikle
July 23, 2024
9 min
Pusey's 1843 Sermon on the Eucharist: A Rejected Eucharistic Theology
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